
Think holistically

Growing a business is the responsibility of everyone in the company. Take a holistic approach to growth and work closely with all teams to reach your goals. Accept that marketing may not always be the answer.

Do it yourself

Looking outside your business to source skills and expertise can be useful, but in the long-run, it’s better to build your own competences in-house. 

Make fast decisions

Data is important but you don’t need perfect data to make the right decision. Companies that make decisions and execute them fast, always get ahead.

Decide what not to do

There’s 100 things any company can do to grow. Deciding where to focus and what to prioritize is crucial. Deciding what not to do often matters more than deciding what to do. 

Create customer value

All you need to do to grow a business is understand who your best customers are and how to get more of them. A deep understanding of your customers’ needs and how to create value for them is everything.

You are who you hire

Nothing influences your success like the people you hire. Hire people who are hungry, passionate and better than you.

Stand out

There’s nothing wrong with borrowing ideas, copying smartly or getting inspired. But standing out from the pack is the most important thing you can do to grow your business.
Ignore the competition. Do your thing, your way.

Avoid the bandwagon

It’s good to be aware of the latest tech and trends, but don’t let them become a distraction. They are just tools for accelerating your ideas, but don’t replace good strategy, customer-empathy and creativity.

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